Monday, August 20, 2007

I am in a writing mood.

i am.
i have so many things i want to say right now, but i know i won't get them all out.
iam at work.
i have decided that i am, through this blog, go ing to write a list (over time) of ten things i know about love. these are my opinions on my life or at least someones. don't take it personally if you don't agree.
There is a lizard (a new one by the name of Violet) on my leg.
she is so so cold that i can feel her through my jeans.
this lizard is different from the previous one, Lily. whom died last week from what i think was a heart attack. Violet is very calm like Lily, but she looks very different, in fact i am a bit scared. in one way she looks like she would bite or attack, but on the other she acts like she wouldn't harm a fly. (crickets are another story.) she has become aware of the computer i am typing on and has gotten on it. she is very still and i wonder if she is plotting.
so i am reading the book looking for alaska by John Green. is good and i hope to get through it and read some more books Lindsey gave me yesterday. they all sound so good i want to read them quickly, tho i never can finish a book very quickly because there are a lot of things that distract me.
near the beginning on the book the guy is talking about his parents saying goodbye to him, and they tell him they love him. he talks about how it was 'uncomfortable, like watching your grandparents kiss'. i thought about this. now i begin to think that i haven't seen my grandparents kid as far as i remember. then i thought well its because they don't like each other, lol. but i know they love each other, so i thought older people probly don't kiss each other all the time like younger people do because they have done it so many times in the past that it's old to them.
* so here's one of the things i here by know about love-
I am never going to be part of that old couple. i am going to marry someone i love enough that i would kiss everyday we are together. and after being together that long and kissing that much, it would not matter one bit who was around or what was going on. i am going to make grand kids sick, and other couples blush. i am not going to be like that woman who dresses her hubby old like her everyday and walks smiley's and the mall dressed in purples and pinks. i think I've seen them at wal*mart too. i mean sometimes couples dressing a like is extremely cute, but old men forced to wear pink and walk around trailing a skinny woman who you know has to color that hair like crazy cuz it looks fake, just isn't as cute. its labor.
so my love goal is going to be- be in love and old folk pda is going to be okay! lol.
i want a guy i would want to kiss everyday until we die.

and for the record, spell check says okay is not a word. if someone knows what the correct spelling of 'okay' is please let me know.

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